September 18, 2023

Finally documenting a meal that we do fairly often, Julia Child’s Fast Sauté of Beef for Two. It’s from The Way to Cook. It’s a really neat idea - a complete meal with all the parts time lined out. 

Here’s the Mise en Place after about 20 minutes of prepping. It’s now 8:02 PM. There is an inexpensive wine that Julia Child used in France, but you can’t get it here. She found a vermouth is the closest to that wine that is readily available. She never did identify the particular french wine she used.

We’re about halfway through the cooking at 8:21 PM.

The mushrooms are done, the New York Strip is just starting at 8:32 PM

New York Strip pieces are done, the sauce is reducing at 8:41 PM

Here is the completed dish at 8:45 PM, so it takes almost exactly one hour to do it. I’d say that qualifies as Fast!

Livingstone inspects the dish.

After a while, it is parrot approved!